(3) US rating agency Timer Digest
The intermediate-term signals are ranked by the independent US rating agency "Timer Digest" that tracks the leading 100+ market timers around the globe.
The advantages of this system are:
(a) the comparability with competitors: everyone obeys the same rules. Amanita Market Forecasting has been repeatedly been top-ranked
(b) simplicity: there are only 3 signals LONG, SHORT, and NEUTRAL
(c) it can be also followed with very little capital (no partial transactions)
The disadvantages compared to the Amanita trades:
(a) Ideally, the signals should be only changed once every 3 months but once a month a the maximum which makes the system rather inflexible and slow
(b) and thus results in a much higher risk tolerance (the market may run longer against the signal)
(c) no automatic price levels to trigger automatic transactions
note on tactical versus strategic: the long-term strategic Amanita allocation is the basis for the strategic Amanita signals, i.e. one should not have a net position against the long-term trend but primarily increase or decrease the long-term position. This is most important in the precious metals where this rule has been discussed often in the past years, where you should never be net SHORT but temporarily hedge, for instance, 50% of the strategic LONG position under a tactical SHORT signal. This rule applies to all other markets, too, although less strict, one could hedge up to 50-100% of the strategic position, e.g. be completely NEUTRAL for some time.