Questions on services offered
Please find your answers on the Amanita Market Forecasting premium service (Amanita market letter)... Further questions? This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  1. Which services do you offer?
    (1) premium market letter
    (2)  astrological business consulting, personal astrological services: had to be in 2008 discontinued due to time restraints, as the waiting queue was already 1 year
  2. Why should I subscribe to the premium market letter?-> answer
    1. Why is your service so expensive?
      Because it is one of the leading market timingIn the Amanita prognostications, timing is almost always more important, reliable & precise compared to prices. The standard window for all time projections is +/- 1 week, with the exception of the Amanita pivots (+/- 1-2 days). services on this planet, the main target group are elite market particpants.
    2. Who benefits from Amanita Market Forecasting?
      Mainly financial professionals & finstitutional investors, partly also private traders with a capital of at least USD 300,000/ EUR 200-250,000. Small traders with less capital should say good-bye to the markets by August 2013.
    3. How can I verify the performance of Amanita Market Forecasting? -> answer
    4. How often do you publish updates?
      on average 3-5 times per month, higher or lower frequency depending on several factors
    5. Which markets are covered?
      * stock indices: main benchmark S&P 500 (similar: DAX, EuroStoxx, Dow Jones, Nasdaq 100 & others)
      * precious metals: main benchmark gold (similar: silver)
      * oil: main benchmark crude light (similar: Brent)
      * currencies: main benchmark euro (partly also yen, franc, pound & others),
      * partly bonds: main benchmark US government bonds (similar: Bund future)
      * partly grains: main benchmark wheat (similar: corn, soybeans)
    6. Do you also offer advice for daytraders?
      No, only intermediate-termintermediate term means a time horizon of 1-3 months. (1-6 months) and long-termLong-term means a time horizon of years. trends are covered.
    7. Where can I see a sample of the premium market letter or the archive of old issues?
      Small excerpts from the premium market letter are sometimes included in the free Amanita newsletterThe free Amanita newsletter keeps you informed about interesting & valuable topics in the free area., however only long-termLong-term means a time horizon of years. forecasts (intermediate-termintermediate term means a time horizon of 1-3 months. forecasts are reserved for premium subscribers).
    8. Do you offer a free trial subscription?
      A free trial subscription (30 days) was offered until 2012. One of the numerous reasons why this offer was stopped is the fact that new customers need at least 3-6 months time to become acquainted with the unique Amanita concept, so a 30-day trial is not really meaningful. That's like test-driving a new car for 10 meter/ yards. ;-)
    9. I am only interested in a specific stock!
      Stock picks and analyses were successfully offered for a few years on a 1-year basis, but due to the large time consumption this service had to be discontinued in 2007, it was required a lot of astrological expertise and could therefore only be delegated partly. Revival of thi service will be announced on the start page.
    10. How can I successfully implement your forecasts? -> answer
    11. If your forecasts are so good why are you selling a market letter at all? -> answer
    12. How do you arrive at your forecasts? -> answer